Exposed: Auto Repair’s Dirty Little Secrets to Rip You Off!

Exposed: Auto Repair’s Dirty Little Secrets to Rip You Off!
ISBN: 9780990688907
Don't let mechanics cheat you. Marty Guerrero caught a mechanic cheating her. She took her case to state investigators and won! Now she's teaching you the tricks of their trade. She's on a mission to prevent you from becoming a victim.
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If you’ve ever dreaded taking your car in for routine maintenance, such as getting a simple oil change, or you’ve skipped getting your tires rotated because you’re afraid a dishonest mechanic will rip you off, then this is the book for you!
That’s because, chances are you HAVE BEEN CHEATED! If you’re a woman, you can bet you’ve been cheated, not once, not twice, but over and over again!

Marty Guerrero’s powerful book will save you money! She explains how dishonest mechanics reel you in with cheap oil change prices then do a “bait and switch” to charge you more. You will learn how mechanics use a tried and true technique known as the “Three F’s” to get you to agree to spend more money. This book will teach you about the “dirty air filter” trick and the “Flush” services that flush out your wallet. She also explains the “pressure technique” to get you to agree to services.

This quick and sassy read also explains the importance of maintaining your vehicle. Part 2 also includes valuable safety information and things about owning a car you probably never thought about. It’s a “must” read for any driver.

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